Drake of the 99 dragons last boss
Drake of the 99 dragons last boss

drake of the 99 dragons last boss

drake of the 99 dragons last boss

The Guardian Dragon has very little resistance to lightning as well as poison/toxin, even 4-5 regular poison throwing knives is enough to build his poison meter all the way up. If you just stay right under his crotch and run to the inside of his other leg, though, he can't bring the stomp further in and will miss you while you get 3-4 good hits in on the other leg. Note: make sure to stay directly under when using this strategy the stomp attack has a pretty wide tracking arc and can easily one hit you if you try backing off or going behind him. Hanging out by one of the legs will generally bait his stomp attack, which can easily be completely avoided by simply staying directly underneath and running to the other leg, which you can then hit a few times and rinse/repeat. I've found the easiest strategy for this boss as well as the 3 drakes after him is to stay underneath them and go for the legs, similar to the Rat Authority fight or Sif from DaS1. Stay Between the Legs Strategy: Note: Staying under 70% equip load is highly recommended for this strategy to work.Simply dodge the fire, lock on, and you should be able to get 4-5 shots off before he drops back down.Īlternatively, impaling it with Drakewing Ultra Greatsword two handed strong attack at melee range buffed with Dark Pine Resin will inflict up to 1500 damage.

#Drake of the 99 dragons last boss upgrade#

Using a lightning shortbow +10 (just upgrade the one found in Iron Keep) with 20STR/22DEX using iron arrows hits for ~111 per shot, using dark, magic or lightning arrows hits for 208-250 this can be a very effective means of whittling his health down while he's hanging onto the wall doing his fire attack. Its fire breath can be blocked with Gyrm Greatshield, but it'll stagger the player. In addition the bosses tail can be cut off eliminating its tail sweep attack. This boss is not very resistant to any form of attack however Lightning may slightly speed up the fight. just be sure to back off from the dragon or raise a shield as it lands to avoid being flattened. If the boss flies into the air or on to a wall Immediately run as far behind it as possible making sure no be nowhere near the middle of the arena. Try to stay at the front or sides of the boss when it is on the ground as his head bite is less powerful than the tail. The bosses physical attacks deal reasonable damage but are slow and easy to block or dodge by backing off. Players of all builds should stay close (IE past his head) to the boss and attack during recovery animations. This fight is best with a light armour and preferably a reasonable physical defence shield.

drake of the 99 dragons last boss

  • Guardian Dragon Soul, Fire Tempest (non-boss wyverns).
  • This boss is encountered multiple times later as an enemy, usually protecting items and crystal lizards in rock nests. Different from the previous game, cutting it's tail does not reward the player with any item whatsoever, only preventing it from using the Tail Whip attack. Guardian Dragon is a boss in Dark Souls 2, a red wyvern trapped in a large cage at the top of Aldia's Keep, which must be defeated to proceed to the Dragon Aerie. Guardian Dragon is a boss in Dark Souls 2.

    Drake of the 99 dragons last boss